Bracelets 2 rounds

Original 2 Rounds Bracelet Tamashii Striped Purple Agate

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€ 50.00

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Mon, 21.10 - Thu, 24.10

TAMASHII® è un marchio registrato Aria Preziosa Srl

Code: BHS600-85


If you'd like take a special present for a beloved person that it's living in a change moment, take the purple agate, perfect to take new challenges and to promote love toward people.
The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

Traditional and original tibetan bracelet made with natural stones STRIPED GREEN AGATE.
One size, unisex (the bracelet can fit any wrist size).

Each bracelet comes with its original packaging and the guarantee certificate.

Tamashii® is a product made in Middle East (Himalaya area) according to ancient traditions, using supervised products, techniques and processes by Aria Preziosa.
Tamashii® brand is owned by Aria Preziosa srl.

All Tamashii® Jewels are handcrafted with natural stones and materials in compliance with rules related to the protection of people (Italian Decree 206-6/9/2005).
All the metals we use have a nickel content complying with the rule EN 1811:2011.

To view the legal guarantee in its entirety, please visit the specific web page.

Each Tamashii® product is made to last over time if all the basic use and maintenance suggestions are followed.

All the materials have natural origins, so their lifetime and characteristics are variable and unpredictable. Chemicals can modify and affect their appearance and durability, meaning that over time they can produce variations of the colours and polishes.

Some stones are naturally matte and we apply polish on them through a mechanical treatment. In the long term they can go back to their original aspect.

We recommend:
• avoid contact with make-up, creams, perfumes and chemicals
• don’t expose the products to chlorine, soaps or salt water
not to wear Tamashii® jewels while taking a bath or shower, in the swimming pool or during housecleaning

Download the updated Tamashii® Tibet brochure. You can easily consult the products and their meanings.


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Stone with a color ranging from light green to dark green, enclosing all shades of green. Due to the meaning of green, it favors change, turning negative aspects such as jealousy and ambition into positive aspects such as the wisdom of realization.This Tamashii helps to follow ideal of success in a honest way.Traditional and original tibetan bracelet made with natural stones GREEN APPLE AGATE.Totally similar to the classic version but at two rounds of wrist.​ One size, unisex (the bracelet can fit any wrist size).  Each bracelet comes with its original packaging and the guarantee certificate.

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Black natural stone of iron origin, it can be red if made in dust. This metamorphosis gives to this stone mysterious characteristics relationed to blood. In ancient traditions it was used to front fear and win dead. Tamashii in Hematite gives courage and protection during the phisical and mind battles.

Agate in nature is present in different colorations. The blue can be more or less intense, giving origin to many tonalities from deep blue (ocean) to the light blue (sky). Light blue for the tibetan culture is the most important color because it represents purity, wisdom and peace. In the blue sky variant is even more stronger the purity concept.

Mother of pearl is made by shells almost white and for this it coud be associated to purity and knowledge. The sea represents longevity, so this bracelet could mean foresight and clarity of mind also in senile age. Tamashii in mother of pearl protects from mental diseases and anxiety.  

It's a colorless natural stone and for this used in substitution of white in its most spiritual sense, purity. This stone represents air and the mystic world (what is not visible). Tamashii in Rock Crystal preserves and promotes the purity status and a life of spiritual happiness. 

Yellow stone similar to the gold and utilized in the place of it. The Buddhist associates the gold to the sun, the light and the life, but also to the awareness of own roots and provenance. The Tamashii in pyrite changes the pride in wisdom.

Blue is the more important color in Buddhism, more than Gold. It represents the ascension, wisdom, true, devotion, faith, purity, castity, peace, the spiritual and intellectual way. Blue Tamashii is traditionally used to identify what is pure and rare. It calms rage turning it into wisdom.

Red in Buddhism is the color of rituals and strong actions, passion, power and sacrum. Red Tamashii gives power, vigour, vitality, passion and indicates a wise person. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

Blue is the more important color in Buddhism, more than Gold. It represents the ascension, wisdom, true, devotion, faith, purity, castity, peace, the spiritual and intellectual way. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

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Magenta agate is the power stone. It contains the passion of purple, the power and energy of red. It has spiritual force, promotes good sense and a balanced vision of life. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

The black cherry agate is a beautiful rare stone with very dark red and purple tones. These stones are often characterized by more or less strong dark green veining. Due to its polychromatic peculiarities this bracelet could be compared to the purple or green colors depending to the dominant color.

Agate in nature is present in different colorations among whose green that symbolize equilibrium and harmony, but also youthful vigor and action. Tamashii in green agate transforms jealousy in wisdom of realizazion. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

The light blue agate rapresents the sky color. In this particular case the tone of sky gives to this Tamashii an aspect more and more divine and  noble. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

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Also this variety of agate protect, it is associated to power of protecting the person wearing it. Its peculiarity is the texture with tones ranging from dark green to other light colors. The dominant color is green, whose meaning is the same of all green stones.

Yellow is one of five basic colors in Buddhism, represented from Buddha Ratnasambhava such a promoter of changing, where pride turns to wisdom of identity. ​This Tamashii favours self awereness and helps to find the real meaning of the life. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

Yellow-green natural stone tending to dark green and associated to the Buddha Amoghasiddhi that long for success, richness and power. Its multi-colored tones could represent ambition without competion and jealousy. This Tamashii turns the pride into wisdom of identity. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

Red in Buddhism is the color of rituals and strong actions, passion, power and sacrum. Red Tamashii gives power, vigour, vitality, passion and indicates a wise person. The stripes confering unicity to each stone and they represent the basic equality between all the human beings.

Jade is a precious stone whose name derives from spanish: "pedra de ijada", that is "hips stone" for its great beneficial power on kidneys and lower back. It instills many virtues as goodness, fidelity, education and sincerity. The sky blue variation is perfect to wear if you want chasing your dreams or finding an interpretation at the visions. (it never irritates skin)

Jade is a precious stone whose name derives from spanish: "pedra de ijada", that is "hips stone" for its great beneficial power on kidneys and lower back. The watermelon red variation is believed to be a bearer of great joy and is also ideal to remove the negative energies that block the soul. It instills many virtues as goodness, fidelity, education and sincerity. (it never irritates skin)

Chinese ancients of the East Han dinasty, in their first dictionary, define Jade (yu) as "the nicest stone". It instills many virtues among which goodness, fidelity, education and sincerity. If worn in this variation it favours connection with the spiritual world and it alleviates pains of mind and spirit. (it never irritates skin)

Chinese ancients of the East Han dinasty, in their first dictionary, define Jade (yu) as "the nicest stone". Among all its properties, in this variant, we find that related to children and old people during trips and that to support loves, so to speak, mature.

Jade is a precious stone whose name derives from spanish: "pedra de ijada", that is "hips stone" for its great beneficial power on kidneys and lower back. The lavender variant, as the pink one, gives relief to mind and helps to establish a connection with the spiritual world. It instills many virtues as goodness, fidelity, education and sincerity. The sky blue variation is perfect to wear if you want chasing your dreams or finding an interpretation at the visions. (it never irritates skin)

Tiger’s eye is among the most used and appreciated natural stones. According to the most ancient tradition it is the stone of self-affirmation, that is, it has the power to relate to one’s personal power, keeping us balanced and focused. Thanks to its great centering, it helps to find self-confidence, firmness, powerful ability to take decisions and combativeness.

This shade of red releases a profound positive energy and imbues protection and safety. Passion red agate connects with the fire element and is also used to stimulate the vitality that lives within each one of us. This Tamashii® helps the wearer to seek inner knowledge, by providing courage and passion.

In the East, lava is often attributed the power to find a better balance with our own inner energies.It helps to control emotions, live in a less impulsive way and to recover from shock, fear and mental blocks.It improves awareness and helps us to manage our patterns of behaviour and develop a stronger feeling of freedom.

Mother-of-pearl is made from nearly white shells, meaning it can be associated with purity and knowledge.The sea also represents longevity in Buddhism, so this bracelet represents foresight and clarity of mind even at a more advanced age.Mother-of-pearl Tamashii® protect against mental illness and anxiety.

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The cracked effect is a natural characteristic of many agates, which by presenting heterogeneous ribs and flecks inside the stone, recalls the craquelé effect.The meaning of the bracelet, even taking into account its variable texture, can be traced back to the green stones, thus identifying the colour of nature, trees and plants. It brings together the qualities of balance and harmony with youthful energy and action. Tamashii® in green agate turns jealousy into the wisdom of self-realisation.

Black stone par excellence, the Onyx is utilized from combatants monks to instill courage and self-esteem. Black color for the Buddhism represents also the humans primordial darkness, hate and violence. Tamashii in black Onyx makes positive these forces, turning bad into well and hatred into compassion.